Help in the Election

During election periods we need a vast amount of help, this is not just about delivering leaflets, we actually need a lot more and you may have the skills we need.

Some of our needs can be really basic or really complex depending on the the needs at a particular time

The main person in the election process after the candidate is the agent these are the ones responsible for running the campaign for the candidate making sure everything is planned and run smoothly.

But what other roles is their, well simple and technical lets look in to them

Campaign Officer- the person who plans the whole strategy for the election from meetings press website and Public relations.

Press officer:- these are people who deal with press questions and release statements on behalf of the candidates

Social Media and Website Officer:- we have a website it needs to be updated or planned during

Canvassers:- are people who go knock the and ask questions to people, they ideally know the campaign literature back to front. But know many of the policies of the manifesto.

Leaflet delivery:- The people who go and deliver to every person in their area (dont worry general elections we get one free post)

Fundraising officer:- we have to pay for the election somehow

Membership officer:- During elections many parties see an upturn in sign ups we need people to guide and manage this.

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